JOIN US in Trenton, Florida for the for Quilt-Fest Event. March 19th and 20th, 2022
This beautifully quilted American themed piece will cover a twin bed or make a statement as a wall hanging. It was quilted and donated by Elaine Nemeth showing her support of Veterans and the Camp Valor Project at Otter Springs Park and Campground. The quilt will be on display at the Otter Springs Park and Campground office. Winner does not need to be present at drawing.
Quilt-Fest Raffle Drawing will be held on 3-20-2022 at Otter Springs. Tickets are $5.00 each entry.
Please click the donate button and choose an amount, also (you must include your email and phone number on the payment form so we can contact the winner) for example:
1 entry = $5.00
2 entry = $10.00
4 entry = $20.00
or choose other, the amount of entries you want times $5.00 “10 entries x $5.00=$50.00”
*Please, make sure you print your receipt and bring it with you when arriving at event or show a copy of your receipt on your phone.

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