This is an outdoor event in a wide open space.
Become a Sponsor or Vendor at the 5th Annual Vet-Fest!
This festival is one of the biggest in Gilchrist County!
Vet-Fest is a free event for the community fill of fun for the whole family including games and activities, food available for purchase, and live entertainment!

Vendors and Sponsors wanted for our
Fourth Annual Vet-Fest!
Vet-Fest is happening on Saturday August 7th, 2021 at 9 AM to 3 PM,
at Otter Springs Park and Campground, 6470 SW 80th Avenue, Trenton, FL, 32693
We are requesting that all service providers and veteran agencies that come and set up tables and/or displays of their programs. We further request that your organizations be set up by 9 a.m. on the day of the event.
Vet-Fest is happening on August 7th, 2021 at 9 AM – 3 PM at Otter Springs Park & Campground!
This free fun-filled festival is held annually to support the Camp Valor Project – a support facility and program designed to help severely wounded Veterans and their families.
Admission is FREE! That’s why Vet-Fest is one of Gilchrist county’s biggest events, attracting visitors from Gilchrist and the surrounding counties.
It’s a great place for local and corporate Sponsors and Vendors of all kinds to show their support of our wounded veterans while meeting them and having fun!
Visitors enjoy a day of great entertainment, fun crafts, delicious food vendors, silent auction and more! For just $5, visitors can give their kids unlimited play wrist bands for the games!
Veteran related services will also be available to offer information and assistance to veterans and family.
If your business, group, or organization would like to be part of this event for our veterans, please call 352-463-0800 and see the additional information below.
This event is brought to you by Camp Valor Project, ForVets, Inc, Meridian Mobile Response Team, and Gilchrist Prevention Coalition.

Don’t forget to join us on
Friday night, Aug 6th 5:30 PM – 9:00 PM
for Live Entertainment with music from Rock Bluff Band and a Silent Auction!
Sponsor the 5th Annual Vet-Fest!
Sponsoring Vet-Fest is a great way to get your company or business in front of the right crowd and let them know that you love and support our veterans.
Gilchrist county is rural with a population of approximately 18,000. Neighboring Dixie County has a population of approximately 17,000.
Reach Local! Become a Sponsor!
Otter Springs Campground in Gilchrist County, the site of Vet-Vest, is central to both Gilchrist and Dixie counties located conveniently between Trenton and Cross City.
Vet-Fest promotions are designed to bring as many folks from the local area together to celebrate and support our veterans while raising funds and awareness for Camp Valor, our veterans support facility in progress.
Become a sponsor of Vet-Fest and let the folks who live and work and shop in our local area about your message and services while supporting our veterans!
Become a Vendor at the 5th Annual Vet-Fest!
Everyone loves the vendors at Vet-Fest! Becoming a vendor is a great way have fun and reach the right crowd with your products and services while letting them know that you love and support our veterans.
We need Vendors of all kinds!
Gilchrist county is rural with a population of approximately 19,000. Neighboring Dixie County has a population of approximately 16,000.